Theft and Larceny Prevention

Larceny, or theft, is the most common crime to occur on both of VCU’s campuses. Larceny is a crime of opportunity. For a crime to occur, the suspect must have the means, motive, and opportunity. If you remove the opportunity, the crime is less likely to occur. Consider what you can do to prevent larceny.

Steps You Can Take To Prevent Larceny

  1. Never leave your belongings unattended. If you are in a public area and must get up for any reason, take your belongings with you. Do not ask a stranger to watch your belongings, as they may not keep as close an eye on your things as you would.
  2. Use secured storage if it’s available. For example, if you go to the Cary Street Gym, secure any belongings in the lockers. Make sure to lock the locker and not just close it, as thieves may check for unsecured lockers.
  3. If you leave valuables in your vehicle, make sure they are stored in the trunk, or otherwise out of plain sight. Thieves will look into vehicles to find electronics, wallets, cash and other valuables. 
  4. Always make sure the doors and windows to your room, office, or house is locked when you leave. 
  5. Always make sure the doors and windows of your vehicle are locked when you leave it.