Image: Aerial view of the Monroe Park campus near School of Business building


News & Media

Public Information Officer

VACANT, Public Information Officer, (804) 828-3907

VCU’s 24/7 Public Affairs Line

VCU’s University Public Affairs office has a staff member on call 24/7. If you are a member of the media and need assistance after business hours, or on the weekend, please call (804) 418-0174. A member of the Public Affairs staff will return your call. 

The VCU Police Department routinely works with media representatives and student journalists. All media and student media requests should be made to the department’s public information officer or a staff member with University Public Affairs.

VCU Alerts

VCU uses a variety of communication methods to alert the campus community about emergency situations and safety threats. Updates are posted on the VCU Alert page: Anyone can sign up for VCU Alerts. 

VCU Police Social Media

VCU Police maintains multiple social media accounts to publicize events, safety information and other department updates:

Student Journalists

We respectfully ask that student journalists have a specific topic ready before requesting data and/or interviews from VCU Police. Please use the links below for research on VCU Police operations and to access published reports on public safety for both campuses:

Facts, Stats & Reports

VCU Public Affairs media guidelines — general news

It is University Public Affairs policy to be as helpful as possible to news media seeking access to facilities while upholding the university’s mission of teaching, research and patient care, and maintaining the reasonable privacy expectation of students, patients and others.

News media and the public are welcome on VCU campuses, but the public and reporters do not have the right to indiscriminate access to VCU or VCU Health System buildings or other facilities.

  • Media representatives must arrange interviews and photo shoots with VCU faculty, staff or patients in advance through University Public Affairs.
  • Members of the media may not enter student housing or position themselves at the entrances to student housing. Residence halls are closed to news media except in rare cases with special advance arrangement.
  • A University Public Affairs staff person will accompany any reporters, video crews and photographers while on campus to ensure confidentiality, privacy and appropriate sensitivity to students, patients and families.
  • News media must seek permission from University Public Affairs to set up to videotape or broadcast live from campus and they must park in designated areas. Permission will usually be granted for exterior work as long as it does not interfere with university operations.
    • VCU will sometimes limit television broadcasting to specific locations, such as Monroe Park.
    • A representative from University Public Affairs must be present unless you are notified otherwise.
  • In all circumstances, news media representatives must seek permission to enter or shoot in interior spaces including libraries, classrooms, dining areas, the University Student Commons, administrative buildings, athletic facilities and laboratories.
    • Permission is usually given as long as the reporting activities do not disrupt university activities, interfere with privacy or jeopardize the safety of university personnel, visitors or facilities.

VCU Public Affairs media guidelines — VCU Health

University Public Affairs staff pay particular attention to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and other regulations involving patient confidentiality. Access to patients is at the discretion of VCU Health.

  • Patients who agree to be interviewed on hospital premises must provide prior written consent and a University Public Affairs representative must be present. Hospital security will remove unauthorized media personnel from VCU Health locations as necessary.
  • Live shots on the medical campus are restricted to 11th and Clay streets. Media will also be staged here during breaking news events.

For additional information on media requests for VCU Health, please review resources for journalists on the University Public Affairs website.