Security Escort Service / RamSafe

General Information

VCU Parking and Transportation provides an evening shuttle service, RamSafe, for the Monroe Park Campus daily from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. You can access RamSafe through the Ride Pingo app, available through any Android or iOS app store. You will need to enter your VCU email, eID and password. You will then be asked to provide the following information:

  • Current pick up location and phone number
  • Desired destination
  • Number of people in your party
  • Needed accommodations

Once your vehicle is assigned, you can track it on the app. You will receive a notification once the RamSafe bus reaches your destination. The driver will wait three minutes before leaving. Changes to requests should be made by calling the RamSafe dispatcher at (804) 828-SAFE (7233).

For questions about RamSafe, visit or email