5-2 Training

Policy Type: Local

Responsible Office: Chief John Venuti, Virginia Commonwealth University Police Department

Initial Policy Approved: 2/5/2013

Current Revision Approved: 1/1/2022



The purpose of this directive is to establish the policies and procedures for mandated, in-service and re-entry training requirements for the department’s sworn and civilian personnel. It is the VCU Police Department’s (VCUPD) policy to provide proper mandated, in-service and re-entry training to ensure that all members are kept up-to-date on new laws, technological improvements and any revisions to department policies, rules and regulations.

Instructional material provided through training is a directive and shall be regarded as such by all department personnel. Training is one of the most important responsibilities of any law enforcement agency and serves three broad purposes: (1) well-trained officers are generally better prepared to act decisively and correctly in a broad spectrum of situations; (2) training results in greater productivity and effectiveness; and (3) training fosters cooperation and unity of purpose among personnel. Moreover, agencies are now being held legally accountable for the actions of their personnel and for failing to provide initial or remedial training.

VCUPD encourages and supports the continuous growth and development of all agency personnel. Career development and training is the vehicle through which a high-quality workforce can be achieved and maintained, and is a means by which employees can maximize their potential development within the department.


Accountability Statement

All employees are expected to fully comply with the guidelines and timelines set forth in this written directive. Failure to comply will result in appropriate corrective action. Responsibility rests with the supervisor to ensure that any policy violations are investigated and appropriate training, counseling, and/or disciplinary action is initiated.



  1. CAREER DEVELOPMENT – A structured process utilized to provide an opportunity for individual growth and development at all levels. It is designed to promote productive, efficient and effective job performance, and to improve the overall level of individual job satisfaction.
  2. PARTIAL IN-SERVICE CREDIT – Attendance at a Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) approved training course/school taught or hosted by another agency or organization, within or outside the Commonwealth of Virginia, which may count for in-service credit.
  3. RE-ENTRY TRAINING – A block of training that sworn personnel must complete if they have been without police powers for more than 180 days for any reason (injury, administrative leave, military deployment, etc.). 
  4. REMEDIAL TRAINING – A block of training that department personnel must complete if they have not demonstrated an understanding of department policies, procedures and practices, and the requisite skills for their position.


Recruit Training

Prior to any routine assignment in any capacity, all newly sworn officers must complete a recruit training program. The recruit training shall include all of the following:

  1. A curriculum based on the tasks of the most frequent assignments of officers
  2. An evaluation technique designed to measure competency in the required knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA)
  3. Compliance with state training mandates required by DCJS
  4. All applicable legal requirements relevant to the performance of their duties (records, dispatch, etc.)
  5. A field-training program of a minimum of 100 working hours is mandated, which is conducted during or after the required classroom training, with direct supervision of the trainee by a field training officer(s) (FTO).


In-Service Training for Sworn Personnel

Employee attendance is documented on an attendance roster managed by the Training and Education Division’s personnel.

  1. In-Service Credit:
    1. VA Code §15.2-1706 requires that every individual employed as a law enforcement officer shall meet compulsory in-service training standards as set forth by DCJS.
    2. Compulsory in-service training for law enforcement officers shall consist of a total of 40 hours, which includes all of the following:
      1. Four (4) hours of legal training
      2. Two (2) hours of cultural diversity training
      3. Thirty-four (34) hours of career development/elective training; however, no more than eight (8) hours of firearms training shall be approved as elective subjects
    3. The time requirement for training completion by sworn personnel is as follows:
      1. The compulsory in-service training requirement must be completed in its entirety by December 31st of the second calendar year following the satisfactory completion of entry training (i.e., Police Academy), and within every 24-month period thereafter.
      2. An extension of the time for completion of in-service training may be granted under certain conditions. The Chief of Police or their designee shall give written notification to DCJS, when circumstances warrant, that the officer was unable to complete the required training within the specified time period (i.e., as a result of illness, injury, military service, special duty assignment, administrative leave, or any other reason documented by the Chief of Police).
      3. Any extension that is granted shall require the subject officer to complete the in-service training, prior to the extension date deadline.
      4. Extension requests must be submitted prior to the expiration of the normal in-service time limit.
      5. The Training and Education Division will ensure that the mandatory 40 hours in-service training requirements are met by all officers.
    4. Partial In-Service Credit:
      1. It is the intent of the Training and Education Division that all sworn officers attend the department’s in-service training to ensure that the officers receive consistent training. Partial in-service credit will be approved on a case-by-case basis by the Training and Education Division.
        1. If approved, VCUPD sworn personnel may obtain an Individual Partial In-Service Credit Form (DCJS PIC-1) from the Training and Education Division Sergeant to receive credit for partial in-service training taken at or conducted by another agency or organization, either within or outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The department member shall be responsible for obtaining a copy of the curriculum and the signature of the course instructor on the PIC-1 form. The course must be at least two (2) hours in length in order for the attendee to obtain in-service credit (if approved by the Training and Education Division).
        2. The department member shall submit the PIC-1 form and the course curriculum, through the appropriate channels, to the Training and Education Division Sergeant no later than fifteen (15) days after successful course completion. Department members shall also complete the VCUPD-64 Employee Training Course Completed form and submit the completed form to the Training and Education Division.
        3. If a department member receives outside training and a Partial In-Service Credit Course Approval Form (DCJS PIC-3) or Credit Transfer Memo/Form is given by the instructor, the PIC-3 Form or Credit Transfer Memo/Form is the only form that needs to be submitted to the Training and Education Division.
    5. Partial In-Service Credit for Conducting a Training Session/School:
      1. If approved by the Training and Education Division, a certified instructor may receive in-service credit for training they have conducted on an hour-for-hour basis. No more than sixteen (16) hours may be credited for in-service training per a two-year in-service period. The department member conducting the course/school must submit a course curriculum that lists the instruction times and a brief description of the course to the In-Service Training Coordinator at least thirty (30) days prior to the course start date. Department members must also complete a VCUPD-64 Employee Training Course Completed form and submit the completed form to the Training and Education Division.


Use of Force Training

Use of Force training is mandatory for all sworn personnel. Sworn officers shall receive Use of Force training at least twice a year. The officer’s police powers will be withdrawn if the officer fails to complete the Use of Force training within the allotted timeframe until such time that they are able to complete the training. The Training and Education Division will make arrangements for the affected officer to return to the Training Academy to complete the Use of Force training, as necessary. See also VCUPD Written Directive 1-7 Use of Force for more information.


Firearms Training (Qualification/Requalification/Remedial)

  1. Police recruits and officers that need additional firearms instruction will receive firearms training through the Academy.
  2. Officers shall qualify with their firearm at least twice per year. In accordance with VCUPD’s Written Directive 1-8 Firearms, the Training and Education Division and the Firearms Unit will assign officers a specific firearms qualification date.
  3. If the officer fails to meet the minimum qualification standards, the officer’s police powers will be withdrawn and the officer’s supervisor will be notified. The Training and Education Division will make arrangements for the affected officer to return to the firing range to assist the officer in meeting the state-mandated qualification requirements.
  4. Upon receiving a new firearm, the subject officer must re-qualify with the new firearm. The Training and Education Division will ensure that the officers are re-certified by the Firearms Unit.
  5. Officers that require individual instruction and/or practice will receive remedial firearms training in order to identify and correct any deficiencies; however, additional attempts to qualify may be suspended if physical limitations or other factors make further qualification attempts unsafe or impractical. Any such suspension will be at the discretion of the Training and Education Division sergeant.


Specialized Training

  1. The following personnel require periodic specialized training: Crowd Management Team officers, speed measurement device operators, breathalyzer operators, DCJS general instructors, firearms instructors, VCIN certified employees, and any other department personnel involved with a specialized certification program.
  2. It is incumbent upon the certified officer to ensure that their training remains up-to-date. The Training and Education Division will assist the certified officer in maintaining compliance with any training requirements.
  3. Based on the requirements of their certification/unit, personnel will receive all of the following:
    1. Development and/or enhancement of the required knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) relevant to the specialized training
    2. Policies and procedures related to the specialized function or component, to include how it is managed and utilized
    3. Supervised on-the-job training
  4. All personnel must participate in regularly scheduled training and readiness exercises. The affected supervisors will determine the applicable timeframes for any required training.
  5. Upon functional reassignment or promotion within the following year, the department will provide sworn personnel with skill development and relevant training in effective management techniques.


Re-Entry Training

  1. Prior to the restoration of police powers, any sworn officer without police powers for more than 180 days, for any reason, shall receive a block of re-entry training. A VCUPD-65 A or B form shall be used to ensure that the appropriate training is completed.
  2. The Training and Education Division shall be responsible for the development of the initial re-entry training curriculum, as well as annual reviews of and any necessary modifications to the curriculum.


Remedial Training

  1. According to the objectives of the lesson plan or training requirements, department employees who have not demonstrated an understanding of department policies, procedures and practices and any requisite skills will be required to complete documented remedial training.
  2. Department personnel who require individual instruction and/or practice will receive remedial training to identify and correct any deficiencies.
  3. Remedial training will be conducted as soon as practical following the initial instruction.


Shift Briefing Training

  1. Shift briefing training serves to supplement all other department offered training by ensuring that officers are kept up-to-date in between formal training sessions. Shift briefing training occurs at the beginning of each shift and is dependent upon a schedule that is tailored by the shift supervisor to suit each shift within the department. Some specific training sessions are held department-wide during shift briefing, to include the following:
    1. Training regarding new and revised policies, legal updates, bulletins and memos
    2. Training regarding new department practices
    3. Investigative information presented by the Investigations Division
    4. Other important items, as determined by each shift supervisor
  2. Instruction methods include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
    1. Written instruction
    2. Oral presentations
    3. Training memorandums and bulletins


Training for Civilian Personnel

Department employees appointed to civilian positions for which pre-service and/or in-service training is required must complete all applicable state certification programs and training courses as indicated within the applicable written directive(s).


Training for Sworn and All Personnel

  1. All newly hired employees shall complete an orientation program conducted by VCU Human Resources, which addresses the following:
    1. Working conditions and regulations
    2. Employee rights and responsibilities 
  2. All department members shall be oriented on their role within the department, as well as the department’s purpose, goals, policies and procedures.
  3. Upon hire, all department members will receive ethics training and complete refresher training at least annually. 
  4. Upon hire, all department members will receive training on sexual and other unlawful harassment, and complete refresher training at least annually.
  5. Upon hire, all sworn and communications personnel will receive training in recognizing and handling persons suffering from mental illnesses, and complete refresher training at least biennially.
  6. Upon hire, all sworn personnel will receive training on bias profiling, and complete refresher training at least annually.


Record Keeping

  1. The Training and Education Division shall maintain all proper documentation and records for recruit training, in-service training and re-entry training, and unit supervisors shall maintain all other job-related training received by department personnel. Such documentation includes all of the following:
    1. The type, title, lesson plan of the training received
    2. The dates and number of credit hours attended
    3. The identification of trainers or agencies who presented the course
    4. The names of all agency personnel who received the training
    5. The performance of individual attendees, as measured by tests, whenever possible
  2. The Training and Education Division staff shall follow the Library of Virginia’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule General Schedule GS-129 with respect to:
    1. Certification Standards Documentation – 3 years after audit
    2. Student Records – Retain for 50 years after the student graduates or withdraws
    3. Class/Session Files – Retain for 50 years after end of the calendar year
    4. Class/Session Files: In-Service and Misc. – 5 years after end of the calendar year
    5. Course Training Aids – Retain for 5 years after no longer administratively useful
    6. Instructor Records – Retain for 25 years after separation
      1. NOTE: For additional guidance on applicable state record retention periods for training and education records, see the Library of Virginia’s General Schedule GS-129.


Related Forms and Documents

  1. 1-7 Use of Force
  2. 1-8 Firearms
  3. 4-3 Career Development for Sworn Personnel
  4. VCUPD-64 Employee Training Course Completed
  5. VCUPD-65A & VCUPD-65B
  6. DCJS PIC-1 & DCJS PIC-3


Revision History

This policy supersedes the following archived policies:

5-2 Training - 2/5/2013

5-2 Training - 4/27/2018