3-6 Records Management

Policy Type: Local

Responsible Office: Chief of Police, Virginia Commonwealth University Police Department

Initial Policy Approved: 1/25/2014

Current Revision Approved:  6/23/2023



The university’s Records Management policy applies to all department employees, and establishes the general responsibilities for management, retention, and disposition of VCU’s records as mandated by the Virginia Public Records Act (VPRA) (Va. Code § 42.1-76 - § 42.1-91).

This written directive is to further delineate general roles and responsibilities within the department with respect to records management. The VCU Police Department (VCUPD) is committed to responsibly processing, retaining and disposing of department records, regardless of physical format, with adherence to best practices in records management.


Accountability Statement

All employees are expected to fully comply with the guidelines and timelines set forth in this written directive.  Failure to comply will result in appropriate corrective action. Responsibility rests with the division commander to ensure that any policy violations are investigated and appropriate training, counseling and/or disciplinary action is initiated.


Roles and Responsibilities

  1. VCUPD is responsible for complying with all pertinent federal record retention periods and applicable record retention schedules disseminated by The Library of Virginia.
  2. VCUPD’s Records Manager serves as the records coordinator who functions as a liaison between the department and the university’s designated Records Officer.
  3. As the records coordinator, the department’s Records Manager, in conjunction with division supervisors, is responsible for the following: 
  4. Per the VPRA, files should be closed out at the end of each calendar (December 31st) or fiscal year (June 30th), as appropriate. Records retention periods start over at that time.
  5. For additional information regarding applicable university procedures, see VCU’s Records Management policy.
    1. Familiarity with the university Records Management and Computer and Network Resources policies
    2. Assisting with developing the unit’s records management procedures and practices, consistent with the university Records Management and Computer and Network Resources policies
    3. Educating staff within the department in understanding proper record management practices
    4. Restricting access to confidential records and information
    5. Coordinating the destruction of records under the guidance of the university designated Records Officer
  6. Per the VPRA, files should be closed out at the end of each calendar (December 31st) or fiscal year (June 30th), as appropriate. Records retention periods start over at that time.
  7. For additional information regarding applicable university procedures, see VCU’s Records Management policy as well as the Computer and Network Resources policy.

Records Retention and Disposition Schedules

  1. Records retention and disposition schedules are created and maintained by The Library of Virginia. Retention schedules contain clearly identified record series and descriptions, which dictate the length of time a series of records must be retained by the agency and the required disposition method. 
  2. If a new category of records is created and no applicable series is identified on an existing retention schedule, the Records Manager will communicate with the university’s designated Records Officer regarding the new category of records in order to determine next steps


Clery Act Records Retention

  1. Pursuant to the federal Clery Act, all Clery-related documentation must be maintained for seven years.
      1. Copies of crime reports
      2. Daily crime logs
      3. Records for arrests and referrals for disciplinary action
      4. Timely warning and emergency notification reports
      5. Letters to and from local police relating to Clery Act compliance
      6. Letters to and from campus security authorities
      7. Correspondence with the U.S. Department of Education regarding Clery Act complianceRecords to be kept include, but are not limited to, the following: 
    1. Copies of notices to students and employees about the availability of the annual security report


Related Policies and Forms

  1. VCU’s Records Management policy

  2. VCU’s Computer and Network Resources
  3. The Library of Virginia’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, General Schedule No. GS-117 Law Enforcement

  4. The Library of Virginia’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, General Schedule No. GS-101 Administrative Records

  5. The Library of Virginia’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, General Schedule No. GS-102 Fiscal Records

  6. The Library of Virginia’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, General Schedule No. GS-103 Personnel Records

  7. The Library of Virginia’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, General Schedule No. GS-129 Criminal Justice Training Academy


Revision History

This policy supersedes the following archived policies:

1/25/2014 3-6 Records Management

2/20/2020 3-6 Records Management