Shelter in Place

Definition: seeking cover indoors due to an ongoing or imminent emergency situation related to environmental or human caused disasters.

Hazards that may warrant shelter in place

  • Hazmat situation
  • Bomb threat
  • Tornado
  • Earthquake
  • Flash flooding
  • Severe weather

What community members should know

  • Find a safe location indoors and stay there until you are given an all clear OR told to evacuate. 
  • Exterior doors to publicly accessible buildings remain unlocked so that community members can get to safety.
  • Every shelter in place order will include specific information about appropriate response steps for that hazard (actions for a tornado are different than a hazmat scenario).
  • Pay close attention to instructions distributed via


Definition: restricting access to specific areas/facilities in the interest of public safety to keep external threats out.

Hazards that may warrant lockdown

  • Police/criminal activity nearby
  • Dangerous activity within a different part of a facility
  • Any external activity that potentially poses a safety threat to community members or security of a facility

What community members should know

  • Anyone outside of a facility that is under lockdown will not be allowed inside. 
  • Academic Facilities: equipped exterior and interior doors will lock electronically.
  • VCU Health Facilities: exterior doors on electronic access control will lock automatically. Security officers will manually lock all other exterior doors, per protocol.
  • If feasible and practical, lock doors without electronic mechanisms.
  • Do not allow access to anyone who is outside of the locked down area.
  • Only security personnel are permitted to deviate from this during active emergencies at VCU Health facilities (i.e. arriving trauma patients, helipad activation, etc.).
  • Move away from any exterior doors or windows.
  • Stay calm and listen for instructions from authorities.
  • If a community member is outside of a locked down facility, do not try to enter, pay close attention to VCU and VCU Health Alert information, leave the area as quickly/safely as possible, seek shelter away from the threat and do not return until advised.

Run/Avoid, Hide/Barricade, Fight

Definition: safety protocol utilized by VCU and VCU Health to instruct community members on how to respond to active threats.

Hazards that may warrant Run/Avoid, Hide/Barricade, Fight

  • Active assailant inside/outside a facility

What community members should know

  • RUN/AVOID: If you can safely escape the threat without putting yourself or others at risk, do so immediately. At VCU Health Facilities, pause all non-life saving medical care and move patients out of sight, if safe to do so.
  • HIDE/BARRICADE: Lock and/or barricade doors by any means possible (including Anchorman devices at VCU Health facilities). If you are in a room that cannot be secured or feels unsafe, consider seeking refuge somewhere else that is more secure. 
  • FIGHT: As a last resort, act with aggression and speed, attacking the shooter at close range until the threat is stopped.
  • Follow instructions given by first responders.
  • When there is no longer a threat to public safety, community members will be notified via VCU Alert.
  • For more detailed instructions, watch this video.

FAQ on Feb. 5 lockdown drill here.