Employee Directory

Name Title Unit Phone Number Email
Abbott, Amanda ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 abbotta3@vcu.edu
Abernathy, Joel Police Lieutenant Support Services 804-828-1196 jabernathy2@vcu.edu
Adt, Stephen Police Officer Traffic 804-828-1196 sgadt@vcu.edu
Adt, Taylor ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 millert9@vcu.edu
Alston, Torrey IT Desktop Support Administration 804-828-8677 alstont3@vcu.edu
Anderson, Adrian Business Operations Support Coordinator Administration 804-828-3839 andersonar8@vcu.edu
Back, Shannon Compliance & Records Manager Administration 804-828-5932 backs@vcu.edu
Baines, Mike IT Desktop Support Administration 804-828-8677 mbaines@vcu.edu
Battle, Marsalis Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 battlem3@vcu.edu
Bell, Rikki ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 bellra2@vcu.edu
Berube, Lisa Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 berubelm@vcu.edu
Blake, Emir Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 blakee@vcu.edu
Bowen, Caroline Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 witherowcw@vcu.edu
Boyd, Brandi Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 bmboyd@vcu.edu
Brandon, Michael Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 s3mlbran@vcu.edu
Brooks, Diamyn ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 brooksdk@vcu.edu
Brown, Jennifer Executive Assistant Administration 804-828-8387 jmbrown@vcu.edu
Brown, Kendrick Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 brownk57@vcu.edu
Butters, Patience Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 pmbutters@vcu.edu
Carlson, Katrina ECC Shift Supervisor Emergency Communications 804-/828-1196 kscarlson@vcu.edu
Carton, Scott Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 cartons@vcu.edu
Champigny, Nicholas Threat Assessment Officer Investigations 804-828-1196 champignyna@vcu.edu
Chapman, William Program Support Coordinator Training & Education 804-828-3438 chapmanwj@vcu.edu
Chatham, Matthew Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 chathamm2@vcu.edu
Clark, Christopher Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 clarkcm2@vcu.edu
Cochran, Kevin Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 kcochran@vcu.edu
Dailey, Nicole Major Administration - Support Services 804-828-7473 nvdailey@vcu.edu
Davidson, Connie Director, Administration & Business Operations Administration 804-828-9843 ccdavids@vcu.edu
Dawson, Douglas Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 djdawson@vcu.edu
DeJesus, Jose Police Officer Traffic 804-828-1196 jedejesus@vcu.edu
Diesselhorst, Curtis Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 diesselhorcr@vcu.edu
Easter, Nia Records Analyst Administration 804-828-0956 eastern2@vcu.edu
Eldridge, Cierra Police Officer, Interim Victim/Witness Coordinator Investigations 804-828-6409 eldridgeci@vcu.edu
Elias, Kareem Police Recruit Training & Education 804-828-1196 eliaskk@vcu.edu
Engle, Nicholas Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 englenr@vcu.edu
Evans, Josiah Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 evansjk3@vcu.edu
Evans, Nelson Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 evansn6@vcu.edu
Farrow, Jason Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 jfarrow@vcu.edu
Fleetwood, Katrina Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 fleetwoodk@vcu.edu
Ford, Kenneth Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 kford6@vcu.edu
Gaines, Adrienne Quality Control & Training Coordinator Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 againes5@vcu.edu
Galbraith, Ariyanna Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 galbraitha@vcu.edu
Graves, Ashley Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 gravesam2@vcu.edu
Green, Caine Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 greenc4@vcu.edu
Greer, Edgar Police Lieutenant Patrol 804-828-0287 egreer@vcu.edu
Gunnell, Brandon Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 gunnellb@vcu.edu
Hall, Marquis Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 hallm19@vcu.edu
Haller, Patrick Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 hallerpb@vcu.edu
Hankins, Stephanie Payroll and Personnel Manager Administration 804-828-1088 hankinss@vcu.edu
Hassan, Nadeen Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 hassannm3@vcu.edu
Hatfield, Dylan Police Recruit Training & Education 804-828-1196 hatfielddj@vcu.edu
Hengle, Zachary Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 henglez@vcu.edu
Hudson, Hakilah Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 hudsonhm@vcu.edu
Hunter, Clarence Chief of Police Administration 804-828-1210 hunterct@vcu.edu
Jackson, Briana Police Officer Investigations 804-828-6356 jacksonbd3@vcu.edu
Joyner, James Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 joynerj@vcu.edu
Kayode, Olushola Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 ookayode@vcu.edu
Kelley, Bryan ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 kelleyb4@vcu.edu
Kelly, David Detective Investigations 804-827-2257 kellyd2@vcu.edu
Kitchen, Tonya Records Analyst Administration 804-827-3911 kitchent@vcu.edu
King, Matthew IT Desktop Support Administration 804-828-8677 kingmn2@vcu.edu
Klingman, Jacob Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 Klingmanj2@vcu.edu
Kouevi, Stephen IT Intern Administration 804-828-6312 kouevisk@vcu.edu
LaLonde, Jaelyn Police Officer Training & Education 804-828-8696 jgotham@vcu.edu
LaVigne, Aaron Police Lieutenant Patrol 804-828-7072 aklavigne@vcu.edu
Legat, David Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 legatd@vcu.edu
Lehew, Gavin Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 lehewg@vcu.edu
Louis, Jasmine Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 louisja@vcu.edu
Lyle, Romar Police Officer Crime Prevention 804-828-1209 lyler@vcu.edu
Madrid, Melanie ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 madridmv@vcu.edu
Majid, Matt Assistant Director of Emergency Management Administration 804-828-7791 majidm@vcu.edu
Mallett, Angelina Police Recruit Training & Education 804-828-1196 mallettav@vcu.edu
Malone, Jason Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 jmalone2@vcu.edu
Martin, Frank Safety Ambassador Crime Prevention 804-828-1196 martinf@vcu.edu
McAllister, Ian Police Lieutenant Patrol 804-828-1196 itmcallister@vcu.edu
McGinley-Bujtas, Madison Safety Ambassador Crime Prevention 804-828-1196 mcginleybujmh@vcu.edu
Merricks, Jasmine Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 jnmerricks@vcu.edu
Mills, Paige Property & Evidence Manager Property & Evidence 804-828-7071 pcmills@vcu.edu
Mills, Skyler Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 millssd@vcu.edu
Mitchell, Irvin Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 mitchelli2@vcu.edu
Monday, Arthur ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 amonday@vcu.edu
Moore, Bruce ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 bmoore26@vcu.edu
Moore, Derrick Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 moored9@vcu.edu
Morgott, Zachary Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 morgottz@vcu.edu
Moss, Kynneath Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 mossk4@vcu.edu
Neace, Cory Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 neacecb@vcu.edu
Newman, Jackson Safety Ambassador Crime Prevention 804-828-1196 newmanjs3@vcu.edu
Olds, Jr., Kenneth Sergeant Investigations 804-828-8452 oldskl@vcu.edu
Overton, Nathan Police Recruit Training & Education 804-828-1196 overtonns@vcu.edu
Parham, Joshua ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 parhamj2@vcu.edu
Penn, Aaron Police Recruit Training & Education 804-828-1196 pennam3@vcu.edu
Perry, Gregory Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 perryg3@vcu.edu
Pollard, Kiosha ECC Shift Supervisor Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 kspollard@vcu.edu
Porter, Shamar Safety Ambassador Crime Prevention 804-828-1196 porters@vcu.edu
Pulliam, David Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 pulliamdd@vcu.edu
Rahimi, Shabana Police Recruit Training & Education 804-828-1196 rahimis2@vcu.edu
Randall, DeDongio Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 randalld@vcu.edu
Reyes, Anja ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 reyesab@vcu.edu
Rhoades, Stephanie Records Analyst Administration 804-828-3851 smrhoades@vcu.edu
Riedemann, Christopher Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 criedemann@vcu.edu
Riemann, Jennifer Police Sergeant Patrol 804-828-1196 jlriemann@vcu.edu
Roberts, Christopher ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 cnroberts@vcu.edu
Robinson, Ramel Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 robinsonr11@vcu.edu
Sabatino, Noah Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 sabatinonb@vcu.edu
Sammons, Derick Safety Ambassador Crime Prevention 804-828-1196 sammonsd@vcu.edu
Schofield, Christopher ECC Dispatcher Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 schofieldcl@vcu.edu
Sessions, Brandon Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 sessionsb@vcu.edu
Shaffer, Amber IT Manager Administration 804-828-7868 abshaffer@vcu.edu
Shiner, David Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 shinerda@vcu.edu
Shrader, Luke Police Officer Crime Prevention 804-828-9649 lshrader@vcu.edu
Smith, Denise Safety Ambassador Crime Prevention 804-828-1196 ddsmith@vcu.edu
Smith, Maria Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 smithma24@vcu.edu
Smith, Mark Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 smithma16@vcu.edu
Smithson, Lawrence Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 lwsmithson@vcu.edu
Soe, Ephram Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 soee2@vcu.edu
Stickels, Cheri Executive Administrator Administration 804-828-6334 cdsticke@vcu.edu
Strother, Brianna Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 wardb6@vcu.edu
Strother, Justin Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 jdstrother@vcu.edu
Sussman, Brian Safety Ambassador Supervisor Crime Prevention 804-828-1196 sussmanbn@vcu.edu
Tallent, Jessi Property Assistant Property & Evidence 804-828-7071 tallentjw@vcu.edu
Taylor, Ervin Major Administration - Patrol 804-827-0149 etaylor@vcu.edu
Terry, Donisha ECC Manager Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 dnterry@vcu.edu
Thomas, Tara Director of Emergency Management, Interim Chief of Staff Administration 804-827-2238 thomast16@vcu.edu
Thorp, Duane Major VCUHS Support 804-828-4202 dcthorp@vcu.edu
Vaughan, Lisa ECC Supervisor Emergency Communications 804-828-1196 levaughan@vcu.edu
Ward, Cameron Police Recruit Training & Education 804-828-1196 wardc6@vcu.edu
Watkins, Jamaar Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 watkinsj2@vcu.edu
West, Patrick Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 westpm@vcu.edu
White, Levin Police Officer, Off-Duty Coordinator/Safety, Wellness and Prevention (SWAPP) Program Support Services 804-828-3182 whitelj3@vcu.edu
White, Melvin Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 mwhite29@vcu.edu
Wiggins, Frederic Police Officer Investigations 804-828-6409 wigginsfm@vcu.edu
Williams, Mark Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 mawilliams@vcu.edu
Wilson, Jamaal Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 wilsonj23@vcu.edu
Wilson, James Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 wilsonj15@vcu.edu
Wilson, Yasmine Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 ysespree@vcu.edu
Winchester, Elena Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 winchestere@vcu.edu
Wisegarver, Samuel Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 srwisegarver@vcu.edu
Zhao, Kin Police Officer Patrol 804-828-1196 zhaok4@vcu.edu